Welcome to North Valley Academy
Look What Is Happening
Weekly News Letter
North Valley Academy Charter School is committed to providing all students with a rich and well-balanced education, through a rigorous focus on Mathematics, Language Arts, and an emphasis on Health and Wellness.
North Valley Academy is an exciting educational journey. We have adopted academic programs with high expectations which deeply engage students. Our educators provide high quality, culturally responsive curriculum and instruction.
Happening Now at NVA:
- KidsCook
- New Mexico Dance Institue
- Cottonwood Gulch
- NVA Library Grand Reopening
- Albuquerque Charter School League
- Youth Basketball League (Bernalillo County)
New Mexico Dance Institue
Cottonwood Gulch
NVA Library Grand Reopening
Albuquerque Charter School League
Youth Basketball League (Bernalillo County)
Important Information
New Mexico parents have big hopes and dreams for their children, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right path. This guide has resources to help you understand how to help your child succeed in school, and much more.
Guidelines for Returning to School After Covid
Information about the rights of homeless youth to an appropriate education.
How NVA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and staff.
The American Rescue Plan is delivering direct relief to the American people, rescuing the American economy, and starting to beat the virus.
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the requirements of all persons for being on school campus. It is not exhaustive and if you have any questions, please refer them to staff for an answer.
Follow us on Facebook: North Valley NM Charter
Community Resources
Bring driver's license to scan each time you visit the NVA campus.
The Sunshine Portal is the official transparency and accountability portal for New Mexico state government.
Find the information you need to submit an application for NVA's lunch program.
NVA's online registration app.
Manage your student's lunch money and much more with this app.